Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What territories are my car covered in?

Our policies cover you in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei in accordance with Malaysian laws. Please note that if you intend to drive your car into Singapore, you are required by Singapore’s law to have cover against Legal Liability to Passengers (LLP). Since LLP is not covered by our basic Private Car Policy, you will need to purchase this additional coverage on top of your existing policy.   

Recent FAQ

Motor Claims – Own Damage Not At Fault (ODN /OD-KFK)

What are the conditions for an ODN claim?

Your entitlement for an ODN claim is that you are not at fault in the accident. The determination of fault shall be at our...

What happens if I exceed my allocated mileage one month before the end of my policy?

If you have exceeded your allocated mileage and your Grace Mileage, and...

Can I buy a PrOmilej policy without submitting a picture of my odometer?

No. You must submit a photo of your odometer reading via our mobile application or...