Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

Apart from my friends and family, can I use my referral code for myself?

Yes, if you own more than one vehicle, you can.

For example: Ahmad owns 2 cars and 1 motorcycle. If Ahmad already owns a P&O policy for 1 car, he can successfully refer himself for the 2 remaining vehicles by purchasing P&O insurance with his unique referral link.

Recent FAQ

What does the Liberalisation of Motor Insurance mean?

This means that the price of motor insurance products that will no longer be based on the Motor Tariff. Instead...

If I choose to make a claim directly with my insurer, will Total Assist be able to guide me?

Yes, our Total Assist call centre is ready to answer any questions on making a claim...

Can I buy flood or windscreen cover if I purchase PrOmilej?

Yes. You can buy the flood or windscreen cover at a premium that corresponds to your allocated mileage...