Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What is the premium to be saved compared to a traditional P&O Private Car Comprehensive Policy?

You will save between 10% to 40% on your basic premium (inclusive of the premium for the optional benefits listed above, if applicable) depending on the PrOmilej Plan you choose.

Recent FAQ

If I need an ambulance, can Total Assist help me?

Yes, we can. However, we recommend contacting MERS 999 if you are dealing with an emergency and...

What is Workmen’s Compensation Insurance?

Our Workmen’s Compensation Insurance protects employers against any compensations to be paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) of Malaysia for any injuries to their employees through accid...

Will the Motor Third Party insurance products still be available?

Available at tariff prices, Motor Third Party insurance products are still available for...