Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What happens if I under-insure/over-insure my vehicle?

If your vehicle is under-insured, you will be considered self-insured for the difference. For example, if your vehicle has been lost or damaged, you will only be partially compensated up to the Sum Insured you have chosen.

If you have over-insured your vehicle, you would have paid a higher but unnecessary premium. If your vehicle is over-insured when it was stolen and not found, we will settle your claim to cover the loss incurred up to the market value of your vehicle. 

Recent FAQ

Do the rewards expire?

Yes, they do. Please refer to our email/SMS for the ...

Do I still get my commission rebate of 10% if I use the POI2U website or app to buy the policy?

Yes, you do...

What do I have to do to receive my payment through e-Payment?

You must indicate that you want to receive your payment through e-payment in your claims form or notify...