Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

Am I still entitled to the reward if my friends and family buy products through your counter directly?

No. You can only receive your reward if your friends and family purchase a Pacific & Orient Insurance Motor product online through your referral link. Purchases made through other means do not count.  

Recent FAQ

When will I receive my rewards?

You will be sent your reward by email 1 day after a successful referral. If their policy’s effective date starts later than...

Can a successful referral be tagged under 2 referrers?

No, a referee can only be tagged to one referrer...

Motor Claims – General

What if I am not satisfied with the action taken on the progress of my claim?

We welcome your views on any aspect of our service and if we fail to meet your expectations...