Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

I have been blacklisted by the Bank/declared bankrupt and am unable to open a bank account. How do I get paid?

Your claims can still be settled through a cash cheque. You can also provide a spouse/relative’s bank account details. If you do so, however, we are not liable if the payment is not paid out to you, as this is a private arrangement between you and the other party. 

Recent FAQ

What is Machinery and Equipment Insurance?

Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers)...

Where can I get my referral link?

You can get your referral link by registering your information at PrOrewards ( Once done, you can login to get your link through your clipboard, WhatsApp or Facebook.

What territories are my car covered in?

Our policies cover you in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei in accordance with Malaysian laws. Please note that if you intend...