Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

When is your hotline open?

Our hotline (1800-88-2121) for Total Assist is available 24/7: 

Tele Insurance: Monday - Friday, 8:45am - 5:30pm

Claims Help Line: Monday - Friday, 8:45am – 5:30pm

Total Assist: 24-Hours

Alternatively, during office hours, our customer service can be reached via WhatsApp (message only, no call) at 019-325 3855:

Customer Service: Monday - Friday, 8:45am - 5:30pm  

Recent FAQ

What is Motorcycle Third Party Insurance?

Our Third-Party Insurance helps cover the damage to a third parties’ vehicle or property in an accident. It also...

What is the difference between PrOmilej and a normal insurance plan?

PrOmilej offers all the benefits of our comprehensive plans for less. Based on how far you plan to drive...

What do I do if I have forgotten my username and/or password?

Through our mobile app...