Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What is Legal Liability of Passengers for Negligent Acts (L.L.o.P) cover?

This protects you against a third-party claim for damages from the negligence of your passengers (e.g. damage to another vehicle when your passenger(s) open the car door).  

Recent FAQ

How is my Motor Insurance premium calculated?

Insurance premiums are based on risk characteristics. The higher the potential risk, the higher the premium and vice-versa...

How do I join PrOrewards?

All you have to do is own a Pacific & Orient Insurance Motor product and...

What is Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP)?

Our Passenger’s Driver Plan (PDP) Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means while driving or riding or boarding or alighting a motorcycle, private...