Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

How do I get the insurance cover note and road tax for my vehicle if it has been blacklisted?

If your vehicle has been blacklisted, please contact the Department of Road Transport (JPJ) to settle any outstanding fines/summons.

Recent FAQ

What is Workmen’s Compensation Insurance?

Our Workmen’s Compensation Insurance protects employers against any compensations to be paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Law(s) of Malaysia for any injuries to their employees through accid...

How much is the premium for the PrOtravel policy?

Your total premium depends on the plan you choose, your destination, and...

Do I need to provide my bank account information for each of my policies?

If you want all your payments to be paid into the same account, you should inform your insurance company of this when submitting...