Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

Do I still get my NCD (No Claims Discount) with PrOmilej?

Yes, you do.

Recent FAQ

Motor Claims – Own Damage Not At Fault (ODN /OD-KFK)

Who can make an Own Damage Not At Fault Claim?

All comprehensive private car policyholders can make this claim...

Are there any additional fees and charges that I have to pay?

Yes, you will be charged a stamp duty of RM10 and the standard Sales & Service Tax (SST) of 6% on your premium...

What is Personal Accident (PA 10 PLUS) Insurance?

Our Personal Accident (PA 10 Plus) covers you in the event of disablement and death by violent, accidental, or external means...