Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

Motor Claims – Own Damage (OD)

What should I do if I am involved in an accident?

Stay calm and lodge a police report within 24 hours, as is required by law. Then, you may call our hotline (1-800-88-2121) for further assistance on the panel repairers if you are unsure of our panel repairers.

You may also note down the personal particulars of the other driver(s) e.g. name, contact number, make/model and registration numbers(s) of the other vehicle(s) involved in the accident, the name of the street/road, registration number of tow truck(s) and the Company’s name of the tow truck operators (if any), sketch a scene of the accident with the position of the vehicles involved and snap photographs on the damages of all vehicles involved (if the situation permits).

Recent FAQ

Can I authorise payment to my employer’s bank account if I am a foreign worker and do not have a bank account?

Yes, you can. However, this is a private arrangement between yourself and your employer, and the insurance company...

I have previously made a claim from you and provided my bank details. Do I need to resubmit this every time I make a claim?

No, you don’t. However, you should update us if any changes have been made...

Motor Claims – Own Damage Not At Fault (ODN /OD-KFK)

Who can make an Own Damage Not At Fault Claim?

All comprehensive private car policyholders can make this claim...