Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What is Marine Hull Insurance?

Our Marine Hull Insurance covers the loss or damage to vessels and ships due to both aquatic and non-aquatic related risks.

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Marine Hull policy.

Recent FAQ

What happens if I exceed my allocated mileage one month before the end of my policy?

If you have exceeded your allocated mileage and your Grace Mileage, and...

What does Total Assist cover for Cars?

As part of your Comprehensive and PrOmilej* insurance coverage with us, we offer...

What is PrOrumah? What is the difference between this and a normal P&O Houseowner or Householder policy?

Essentially, PrOrumah is a combination of both our Houseowner and Householder policies at 30% cheaper. It protects your house and/or its...